Whistleblower: Fake Accounts can change a Recommender System Outputs

Fake accounts can affect the way a recommender system works. Many recommender systems to shows personalized news contents.  The news and the order in which it is shown at times is based on most recent views. -The most recent views or majority views can be changed by change in most recent views. And fake accountsContinue reading ”         Whistleblower: Fake Accounts can change a Recommender System Outputs”

Check Your Recommender Systems- Algorithms–What needs check is Hacking– #Facebook

Todays news of Facebook, showing wrong content. I think it is just about an algorithm. No body sits back and manually put a news on top of the list for some non-profit news which is not an advertisements. Let me explain some computer science behind this. The persons preferences are read by machine and understood.Continue reading “Check Your Recommender Systems- Algorithms–What needs check is Hacking– #Facebook”