Chapter 2. An SOS Message from deep Universe. #fiction #sci-fic

#fiction #sci-fi #sciencefic Note: This is a purely imaginary story. It does not relate to any being, concept or any organization living or passed away, any such resemblance is merely a coincidence. Head of Departments and subject matter experts from almost all divisions of International Aeronautics and Space Institute (IASI) were called in for weeklyContinue reading “Chapter 2. An SOS Message from deep Universe. #fiction #sci-fic”

An SOS Message from deep Universe. Chapter 1. #fiction #sci-fic

#fiction #sci-fi #sciencefic Note: This is a purely imaginary story. It does not relate to any being living or any organization or any passed away being, any such resemblance is merely a coincidence. “Look there”, says the astronaut at International Aeronautics and Space Institute, called IASI for short.  “What happened?”, said another astronaut at IASI.Continue reading “An SOS Message from deep Universe. Chapter 1. #fiction #sci-fic”

Travel to Solar System on Speedy Asteroids

#fiction #sci-fi #sciencefic #magicalRobot #ai #robotics In this year 2061, all asteroids are managed by Central Robot Processing Servers which work from various centers in the Solar System and beyond. Robots are used to help Earth Center about when and where which asteroid is positioned. Many bots are drilled into asteroids that run to farContinue reading “Travel to Solar System on Speedy Asteroids”

Robots flying the Asteroids Responds

#fiction #sci-fi #sciencefic #magicalRobot #ai #robotics While all robots went to be seated well in the meeting room. Only robots from the International Joint Program were left here. Soon they saw in the skies, some of the asteroids were accumulated. Tisoko said to all in meeting area, “These asteroids in the skies were run byContinue reading “Robots flying the Asteroids Responds”

All Robots holds a meeting in Space

#fiction #sci-fi #sciencefic #magicalRobot #ai #robotics Tisoko finished the call from Antartica on Earth. He looks up, he looks down, but the alien was nowhere to be seen. He went a distance to the right and then to the left, he ran to see the South and North direction as well. But the alien wasContinue reading “All Robots holds a meeting in Space”

A Robot meeting an Alian in Space

#fiction #sci-fi #sciencefic #magicalRobot #ai #robotics In a Joint Collaborative International mission to Planet Venus, a progressive Astro Robot Tisoko was sent out to Planet Venus. The robot was capable of best technological and AI advances. Soon after traveling for a while he saw a human like thing. He decided to go hear him. ButContinue reading “A Robot meeting an Alian in Space”

Nanny Robots

#fiction #sci-fi #sciencefic #magicalRobot #ai #robotics Note: Robotics have not reached this level yet, do not try this. It was a time so advanced that humans learned to trust robots to be nanny for their kids, given parents were too busy. Here is Robo Nanny, taking care and playing with three kids of his owners.Continue reading “Nanny Robots”

Two Neighbour Robots — Jim and Jam

#fiction #sci-fi #sciencefic #magicalRobot #ai #robotics Note: The article in copy is on the author’s medium account as well. Note: All characters here are fictional and bear no resemblance to anyone alive or who passed away. Any resemblance is a mere coincidence. The story is completely fictional, and imaginary and is for mere reading. “Hi,Continue reading “Two Neighbour Robots — Jim and Jam”

Conversation between two Robots

#fiction #sci-fi #sciencefic #magicalRobot #ai #robots # robotics Note: The article in copy is on the author’s medium account as well. Note: All characters here are fictional and bear no resemblance to anyone alive or who passed away. Any resemblance is a mere coincidence. The story is completely fictional, and imaginary and is for mereContinue reading “Conversation between two Robots”