Would Robot Dogs replace the loving Pet Dogs? Same for Cats? Noo!

Hey All, How are you all doing? I missed writing to you for a long time now and I am sorry for that! It’s so pleasant here in Melbourne outskirts Australia that I got absorbed and driven in the passion of this land, a never-before feeling of unexpressed emotions, beauty, joy, and the love ofContinue reading “Would Robot Dogs replace the loving Pet Dogs? Same for Cats? Noo!”

Earth Day

Hi All, Hope you are doing well! Summary: Why not million-dollar businesses to heal Earth? Why only billion-dollar businesses in AI, Tech, and automobile to mention a few? Why not? It would create jobs, it would clean the Earth, and it would heal this place that we call our home. Why only NGOs and non-profit industries forContinue reading “Earth Day”

Can AI distinguish fiction now? Cat Supremacy with AI #fiction

Note: The article in duplicate is present on authors other social media account as well. Hello, Sorry for missing out on writing articles for a while. I am writing after a while, busy with some work there may be some delay in my posts. I was wondering what is the current state of AI, thereContinue reading “Can AI distinguish fiction now? Cat Supremacy with AI #fiction”

Gen AI and its Impact on Social Media and Tech Companies Working (Pros and Cons)

Note: The article in duplicate is present on author’s other social media accounts as well. Gen AI can change everything so why would social media companies lag behind? Would tech companies such as eBay, and others would think twice about engaging in Gen AI? So, here I lay some points on how Gen AI wouldContinue reading “Gen AI and its Impact on Social Media and Tech Companies Working (Pros and Cons)”

Maintain Aquatic Life Balance on Human Underwater Short or Long Travels

Note: This article in duplicate is on authors other social media accounts as well. #life #green #balance #planet #oceans #rivers This is where the future is heading too, so why not start guidelines for safe undersea travel, without exploiting the seabeds? Be it rivers, seas, oceans, or lakes, they have underwater aquatic life. Yes, nowContinue reading “Maintain Aquatic Life Balance on Human Underwater Short or Long Travels”

Decide where to do Re-Training-A Look Back on Hobbies and Passions

Note: These are authors own views. The article is present on the author’s other social media accounts as well. It is said easy by some professionals especially those in HR- That we would re-train employees. Even I may have said re-training is an option! But I have not said yet to whom retraining is suitable.Continue reading “Decide where to do Re-Training-A Look Back on Hobbies and Passions”

Happy Women’s Day Everyone

Note: These are author’s own views on womanhood and may not match with some other person’s views. You may have completely different views on this day. The original article is on author’s homepage. Wishing you all a very Happy Women’s Day. I am woman — I prayed — I loved — I cared — – IContinue reading “Happy Women’s Day Everyone”

Robots driving a self-driving AI car?

Automatic AI self-driving cars are still a distance from real use. Here is some news to start this discussion: Tesla’s Optimus Bot Is Looking a Little Steadier on Its Feet (ampproject.org) Time for Robot Run cars? To be tested well on simulation Roads first before being given driving rights! Optimus Tesla bot, a general-purpose roboticContinue reading “Robots driving a self-driving AI car?”

OpenAI’s Sora! Education, Music and Movies – What future with Sora be like. Read here..

Internet is filled with Sora’s algorithmic approach and its applications, so here I give you key links to these things and focus on where Sora can be used in the future, and what about the side effects of Sora.  Here are the possible Sora’s future applications, just after a short introduction. In short— Sora takes inputsContinue reading “OpenAI’s Sora! Education, Music and Movies – What future with Sora be like. Read here..”

Was it overhype and overvaluing of Artificially Intelligent cars?

Here is a snipped from reference [2] below: Wife of Tesla employee killed in perhaps first ‘Full Self-Driving’ crash says they were ‘guinea pigs’ — Autoblog Reference: [1]https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7165871062180638720/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios [2] Wife of Tesla employee killed in perhaps first ‘Full Self-Driving’ crash says they were ‘guinea pigs’ — Autoblog [3] Read the full civil fraud trial ruling imposing penalty of overContinue reading “Was it overhype and overvaluing of Artificially Intelligent cars?”