I remove the layer of pain, to let grow newer skin

Photo by Philip Warp on Pexels.com
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com
Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels.com
Photo by Guillaume Meurice on Pexels.com
Photo by Ludwig Kwan on Pexels.com

This pain I am dropping away

With the flowing water

I let it go,

This pain

I choose to forget the pains

I choose to let it go

Flown water never comes back same

Broken crystals never join back same

So why should I remember the pains

Why should I cry again

The fallen features of birds

Are meant to fall

They can’t fly with bird again

I decide to shed the pains

Just like the birds shed their features

The eagles shed the winds

To grow back afresh

To be reborn again

With more strength

With more power

To be higher

Again and again

To  learn what the pains taught me

To  be bolder to face more tougher mountains

I remove the layers of pains

To let grow a newer skin

Which shine in sun

Ready to burn in heat

To absorb more hardships

I regrow

This pain I am dropping away

With dust I rub

Never to remind me again

Of all the pains

This pain I am dropping away

For long, till I share again

With someone

The joys of dropping away the pains

Like a peacock sheds away its features

Some words to speak, before the sunset

Some unspoken words

Some unfinished drinks,

Some unread messages,

Some flowers to smell,

Certain breaths to take,

Many texts to write,

Some more lessons to teach,

Some poems to read,

Certain knowledge to share,

Many articles to type,

Before the sunset!

Before the sun sets,

Some calls to make,

Some fights to resolve,

Before the dawn,

Some letters to send,

Some words to speak,

Before the night !

Do We Need A Child’s Resume In Job Market?

Why are we just focused on the next generational youngster’s skills in market place? Are we looking for children resumes—?? A kid, who should be playing and exploring the world here on Earth!  Why not their appetite as a playground football gamer, or as a singer or as a flute player, and may be a painter, photographer! Why no emphasis on  children over all development, once a child crosses certain age? My question is even in teens and a much mature age group—focus should be given on various activities, not just one stream of work, which makes things stagnant after a time. A balance is needed, so that once you are filled with the box up to brim on one activity, you have something else to do and find recourse to, for a short while though. That’s is called hobby!  

It gives me a shock to read young children learning coding on computers. Are we in that a big scarcity of software engineers? If so—go slow—in your developments. You want to reach to Moon, but Moon is not running away? We define the needs! No!  The childhood and teenage, is surely running away! Its good if he/she has exceptional capabilities, but young age is for the innocence to be explored. When else, a person will explore his/her innocence? Not as an adult. Teenage is to explore the youth. Once out of these ages, it’s just work! It’s good to have a coding language hands on for kids and teens! It’s very good! But at what expense. Expense has to be computed first ! Competition among fellow friends of son or daughter? Yes, Charles Darvin said- “its survival of fittest”, but don’t we want our children to enjoy youth with the benefits of right education! Right! The Darvin theory works in the selection to take birth on Earth, once you are here, you should be living like children and teens have lived for centuries, as was mastered by our great grand grand-parents.

So, all this to ask should young child be burdened by the future stress the parents as adults deal with. The job market is filled with resumes of youngsters, adults, do we want children and teens resume in job market ? While they should be enjoying their ages. As per a philosophy—human life cycle is divided in four quadrants. We should think of giving them the best childhood, best education but with pleasure, serenity, patience and to make them ready to compete once adult.

Children should be running after butterflies in gardens and catching them, collecting leaves in parks and drying them in folds of papers, painting on these dried leaves, coloring chopped ladyfinger and threads to draw new designs in colored scrap books, making molds of clay muds, playing with sands to searching shells on beaches with right mix of education, and not just all time on technology! Why, I am saying this, is our fore fathers have advanced at least 10,000 years as civilizations and have succeeded too, by learning in childhood with nature!  Once again change is good if it for betterment, and should be accepted to be going in wrong direction once analyzed for a negative impact. So, it should be analyzed further, the pros and cons. I am just asking a question as a spectator!

Hope to be cherished!

Hope to be cherished

Pray to be loved

Love to be admired

Desire to be acknowledged, for all I am

I am a women

A girl,  inside me says

A lady, in me calls

I may not be full of same tone all the time

I laugh, like a women

I smile, like a girl

I work, like a lady

I am

Kind with babies

Tough with teenagers

Professional at work

Lovable with peers

But Am I too different a women?

To fit in a bossy chair


Just because they say 

Leaders have to formal all the time

Mind your tone

Check the body language

Well, then, I say I am different

Hope to be cherished

Pray to be loved

Love to be admired

Desire to be acknowledged, for all I am

I work like hell

I party like heavens

But I laugh, smile,

I have a soft voice

When I am serene

I adorable tone

When with kids

I am hard at speaking when with files

I am tough at scolding when with my workstation

Well, let me tell you

I am a women, little different in this and that

Am I too odd one out?

A girl, inside me says

I may not be like you

I don’t want to hide my soft voice

Behind the windows of professionalism

I am what I am!

Hope to be cherished

Pray to be loved

Love to be admired

Desire to be acknowledged, for all I am

All that to say

I don’t want to hide, I am different

I am a women, may be little different than you,

And somewhat more like her!

A little more of this and that

A little more of this and that

I want a little more

A little more of smiles

A little more of laughs

A little more of hugs and

really more of joys

All that before the clock strikes 12

I want do to a little more,

in everything I do

I want to fly a little more,

in my dreams

I want to dance a little more,

here on the floor

I want to sing a little more,

there in my room

Before the clock goes to Twelve

I will do a little more

A little more of swimming

A little more of sleeping

A little more of work

A little more happiness

And little more of ……..

A little more here, a little more there

I ll make little more more of  memories

I shall bake  little more of cakes

Before clock strikes  12

I will tell little more stories

I shall write little more of knowledge

A little more of this and that

Before its 12!

Open up the Curtains in your Mind

How blessed you were

Remove the curtains in your head

It waits for you to open up your wings

To fly in your desires

To hope in your dreams

Don’t find flaws in your placement on planet

See the blessings

Count the admiration  and care by your neighbors

Be it Autumn Flowers

Be it Monsoon Rain

Or a snow fall, out of season

Can you count your blessings now?

If still no count the unseen care by Mother Nature on you

Open the curtains of your minds and see

You were not positioned in this place to bear just pains

It was well planned by the Universe

To make you go through all this

All this to make you stronger

Find the strength in this discomfort

Find your voice

Come out high

Rise high out of this

All this was meant to prepare you

For your Karmic learnings

If not here, then up there

Just see how blessed you are now

To experience the pains

And be much stronger

And embrace joys in turbulent times

Embrace the unseen joyous times

It’s hard, Its difficult

But find the moments that were behind the curtains

The curtains of your memories

Which hides the enjoyment of the first rain from your balcony

The curtains in head

Which blocks you to see the rainbow you watched with your brother

The curtains that doesn’t let you remember the songs you sang with cold breeze in park

Yes, these curtains

Stops you

And shows you just the pains

Open up the curtains

You will see a beautiful journey

Even if it was not beautiful

Thank the Nature for all the warm spring air hugs

The flowers for all the smells

Take up the curtains

Open up the minds

Let it be free

See from a free mind

Now see was the pain really a pain

Or was it a mentor, teaching you

To Take off the old skin

Not easy, and pretty difficult things

But that’s is what it is for

Take off the curtain

And see the morning dew awaits your voice

Open up the curtains of minds

And see

See it, the beauty that it holds

The World is beautiful

Embrace it

It waits for you to open up your wings

To fly in your desires

To hope in your dreams

All that to be happy

And play your role

Here on Earth

We are all on a duty here

This is a place for Karmic Learning

Try to know what you experienced and why

Open up the curtains of mind

It waits for you to open up your wings

To fly in your desires

To hope in your dreams

You are as beautiful as your soul is, don’t compare with your human body

Look within your skin

Look inside yourself

You are as beautiful as your thoughts

Look in mirrors

And see how beautiful you are

Not the body, but the soul

You are as beautiful as you think of

As beautiful as your wants

As serene as your belongings

Look inside your dreams

Look at the desires

You have all the beauty of that your hopes have

You are as awesome

As handsome as the things you collect

As pretty as the paints you draw

They are are just mnemonics of your pursuits of charm

As much as you want the smile back from other faces

Faces that may not even know you

But still, you expect the twinkles back to you

You are as blessed as anyone can even think one can be

Beauty is within you

Not in the outer image

Yes, one tries to match the inner beauty with outer looks

But beauty is inside you

Dear don’t look outside

Just look inside

All the joy you have

The childish side

The adult side

The youthful side

Oh, yes the old side too

It’s all inside you

You are as young as your soul is

You are as pretty as your sprits are!

So don’t think twice

Rejoice thrice!

Choosing the Right New Source of Energy with Help of AI and Computer Simulations: Stop and Think Before Implementing

Yes, we are in a race against time to protect the environment.  There is growing imbalance in primarily the following three broad categories:

  1. In air
  2. On Earth’s surface
  3. Below Earth’s Surface

So dear stakeholders, its good to find a new source of energy that can replace fossil fuels. It gives the excitement and the required thrust to implement a new probable technique. Bring in new cars, new wind mills, new methodologies that uses newer and newer sources of energies.

But as a scientist I want to ask you to stop for a moment. Just give a hold on it. Go forward step wise as in any scientific discovery and experiment. Analyze all possible solutions that you can discover till date, then follow in a mechanism to implement it. Not in reality but on a model on a computer system. Yes, this is called simulation.

The answers you have to find out are:

  1. How much is this source of energy going to help in imbalance on Earth. Not just climate change, but soil erosion, water pollution and below Earth permanent changes caused by over extractions from Earths crusts, to mention a few only.
  2. What would be cost of the new fuel be it hydrogen in cars or wind energy
  3. What is the cost of implementing the same?
  4. How much can it be used?
    1. Extensively
    1. Universally
    1. Locally
  5. What are the benefits ?
  6. What are the harmful costs- be it by-product, excess cost in production, effect on eco-system? For example, it was experimented, as per a tv show, that wind energy plants produce waves which are dangerous of bio-diversity nearby it. We want our honey bees and fishes and coral reefs to be healthy. If this is so, then should we be using it much!
  7. How to supply it to people ? Is it safe and easy way— Is it implementable, it should not be that we are producing by-products which cant be recycled or itself produces harmful climatically-incompatible substances?
  8. Yes in a new phase of scientific development, some of these sources of energies may become obsolete, so how are they from point of view of replaceability? And some may not change such as bio-gas, then how can they be sustained for longer time use? Think of using 5 year planning for a shorter time period energy sources and 10-year road map for irreplaceable energy sources.
  9. While designing a new model, be it an electric car batteries and electric cars make sure, to keep future goal, of replaceability and reusability- These batteries and cars should not be a new dump on Earth when obsolete as plastic is now ! So think before implementations.
  10. Next how shall you charge the batteries, who shall take tenders for battery charging pumps ?
  11. Another, concerns, what are the chemicals needed to run the batteries ? Where will they come from? What imbalance they can cause on Earth in next decade after electric cars come in!
  12. How many rare metals and chips we need in our cars ? When we know they are rare ? And still we are not willing to let go living without them- and then rally on roads using the same phone made of elements from Earth Crust- Time to think !

Answer all these questions for each energy source you have in answer to new energy to replace fossil fuels. Yes, one energy source may not be enough always and not in all regions.

Hence per region these questions need to be answered before implementation is performed. As once implemented the change on a region is somewhat lasting in a time duration. Be apt in taking decisions about implementations, especially given the critical climatic conditions which are being faced and challenged to humans! AI can help you find the technique which would be best suited for a region or for a particular climate! All through simulation on computers using AI! This has not been done prior to this! But we need to do it. You can contact me if you are interested in this research.