Working on Moon & Mars while sitting at home on Earth

Note: The article lays basic idea of technology and mode of employments. This in no way relates to investment options. We here are not providing investment advertising. These are purely mere ideas, these don’t represent any policy of implementing it by any government. Please don’t associate investment with these ideas here. We don’t represent anyContinue reading “Working on Moon & Mars while sitting at home on Earth”


Here in this article I cover UFO, truth or fiction as two sides of some coin called UFO. Some points are mentioned here in this article and I shall come back on this analysis again, in continuation with these points. It’s everywhere seen, why this article calls it fiction? The reason is the very questionContinue reading “UFO— TRUTH OR FICTION – Part I”

Tax Cuts. The Ecosystem of Economics of Tax.

Here are my views on the Economic of Tax for Global Views, not specific to any region. This article was written after reading of Tax cuts in one of the worlds Best Economies- UK. Pay Taxes, but why? As taxation is a way to develop a country or a state (in case a state isContinue reading “Tax Cuts. The Ecosystem of Economics of Tax.”

UK new Government: Are your own ministers trustable

Summary: Rishi Sunak was one of the first man who resigned, saying and demanding Borris to resign, they had put in lot of pressure on PM, given Borris trusted him a lot. These leaders were selected & elected by Borris only, when opportunity came instead of standing with him, and guiding him what to do,Continue reading “UK new Government: Are your own ministers trustable”

Bye August 2022, A month to remember

Goodbye August 2022. It was a mixed month, with all kinds of Global News, to atmospheric phenomenons. Let’s hope September 2022 shall be better. For a better month for all us, let’s pray. Let’s pray! Below are my non technical articles form the shelf of August 2022. Articles for Thought 1. Something fishy: fresh waterContinue reading “Bye August 2022, A month to remember”

Something Fishy! Fresh water Fish & Aquatic Life Survival

So I pray! From Oder River to and through Poland, Germany, to even UK, rivers are drying up. These were once places known for nice temperature and splendid weathers. But this year had been not so good, the heat waves form internal and external heats, to planet, is quite high. Climatic changes are making itContinue reading “Something Fishy! Fresh water Fish & Aquatic Life Survival”

UK and Elections, Intuitive and Logical Points, why it’s important?

UK, here are some of my views, given I consider UK, as ultimate place to get citizenship for anyone. Here are my views on all possibilities in UK, these are intuitive possibilities and logic based laws, these are not based on any concrete law book, but are logical and intuitive. Now, what happens in UKContinue reading “UK and Elections, Intuitive and Logical Points, why it’s important?”

Forest that are burnt, Why not Treated Sewage Water send Before Time, Data Needed#Climate_Change

Note: We pray for & feel the griefs of people who faced this. The article is just about somethings that humans can do to save the losses of self. Others and of Nature. Fires are natural losses as well. Now let us not avoid to know gallons of sewage water is put in rivers andContinue reading “Forest that are burnt, Why not Treated Sewage Water send Before Time, Data Needed#Climate_Change”

Gentle Thought of The Day

We are stronger than our fears. To this saying, listen, or hear in a way, everyday, may be someway to remind it. “Listen Loud, Speak Inside and Breathe in Energy” Energy is all over in Universe, believe and Universe may give more than what was needed. In summary, we are stronger than our fears. NoContinue reading “Gentle Thought of The Day”

Firefighters, Prayers or Hypothesis: Engineering Sciences – To help reduce losses in local Heat waves, forest fires

Note: This is a proposal, it’s a thought to solve problems, how long it shall take to start delivering depends on global cooperation. And if the proof of concept, proves it worthy in even 50% cases or not shall require time and patience. Other models are welcomed, this is just to brain-storm to start. AndContinue reading “Firefighters, Prayers or Hypothesis: Engineering Sciences – To help reduce losses in local Heat waves, forest fires”